Student Counselling: I LOVE working with youth of all ages and in my practice focus on youth ages 12 and up. I have experience as a Student Counsellor for Chinook School Division. I provided individual counselling and also develop and provide interactive virtual presentations on topics like anxiety, relationships, cyberbullying and social media use and emotional regulation to all ages.
Child & Youth Mental Health Clinician: I have experience working as a Mental Health Clinician (Counsellor) for Saskatchewan Health Authority working with people individually, with families, parents, children and youth ages 4-18 years
Adult Counselling - I have experience counselling adults for relationship issues, anxiety, stress, depression and parenting.
Mental Health Unit Social Worker & Intake Worker :I have worked as a Social Worker on the Mental Health Unit at a hospital supporting those with more severe mental health challenges and providing first connections with adults seeking mental health and addictions supports.
Mental Health is Just as Important as Physical Health
Improving Connections
Ready For a Change?
Depression, low mood, fear, worry and anxiety are some of the most common and uncomfortable emotions that we can experience in our lives. Experiencing worry, uncertainty and sadness is a normal part of life and most of us experience these things at some point. If we are not coping well with these emotions, it can affect our daily functioning and sometimes take away from our enjoyment in life, or stop us from doing the things we want to. Don't miss out on your life! Through counselling and support, we are able to work together to help you recover and increase your motivation, joy and well-being.
The relationships we build with our children are the most important ones in their lives. We are an important force in developing who they become as a person and the foundation for their self-worth, values and abilities to cope in their future lives. They watch and hear everything we do, and this is where they learn how to respond emotionally, how to treat themselves and others and where they develop their view of the world. Do you feel like you're doing the best you can? Are you looking for new ways to connect with your child or teen? Are you having recurring conflicts where you are stuck and just don't know what next steps to take? You're not alone. Parenting is hard. If there's a job it's worth learning to do well in this world, parenting is it. I can work with you to become aware of your current parenting style, what's working for you and what's not, and figure out some new strategies and tools. Every child is different and it can take work and creativity to find the right way to parent.
Family, friends, co-workers, partners: Everyday we are interacting and connecting socially and these connections have a big impact on our lives. Are you having trouble with boundaries, communication or ongoing or unresolved conflicts with others in your life? Do you need to step back and work on a different approach to your relationships? Are you valuing yourself, while treating others in the way they deserve to be treated? I can support you and provide counselling on how to work through and resolve conflicts, support yourself through difficult or toxic relationships, improve communication and create your own personal boundaries and space.
Work, kids, relationships, finances, life changes. We all have stress at times. We can find healthy ways to cope to keep us functioning at our best in all areas of our life. We can't always control or change our situation. We CAN change and control our perception, interpretation and response. Let's look at how you deal with your stress now,and work together to think of new and different ways to get you where you want to be.
Agriculture Industry specific Stress & Mental Health Awareness: There are specific financial and lifestyle challenges that come with farming and ranching. I am hoping to support and build awareness about the importance of mental health in this industry and reduce the stigma that exists about seeking help.
Are you seeking clarity in some areas of your life? Are you focused on personal growth? Ask yourself if what you're doing today is getting you where you want to be tomorrow. Making changes in life is so exciting! Working to be your best self is an ongoing and worthwhile process. I can help you see your strengths and build upon them to create the life you want for yourself.
Have a problem? Have you tried to work your way through your problem and find yourself overthinking, stuck, or just don't know where to start? We can work through the issue together, and help you form a clear definition of your problem, what your goal is and a plan to work through it step by step. This helps set you up for success, resolve your problem and reach your goals.
Problems can be simple or complex but you need to start somewhere if you wish to move forward. There are many counselling and support strategies that can help with this directly.